The General Terms and Conditions Archives provide our clients with the general terms and conditions of the products offered by the main insurance companies in the Spanish market so that they may consult and download them as needed.
IMMARKET proactively monitors the domain to ensure that the general conditions are always available in the most updated version published by the companies. Through an email alert system, our customers are promptly informed of any updates or developments realized in the General Terms and Conditions Archives. They may also observe the conditions prior to the last update so that they can analyze changes made.

Ad-Hoc y Omnibus
Ad-Hoc Studies
IMMARKET conducts custom studies, specifically developed to meet requests from clients. The designs of quantitative and/or qualitative studies are created alongside the client in order to detect their needs and ensure that the goals of the study are achieved.
Omnibus Studies
Of our own accord, IMMARKET conducts studies on key aspects of the Spanish insurance industry that reflect the current morphology and generate valuable information about its short-term evolution. Our Insurance Research is available to clients with a report of the main results obtained.
If you are interested in this report, contact us and we will provide you with a password to access our private area and download the technical document.

The coverage comparisons made by IMMARKET make it possible to know, in an updated and detailed manner, the different attributes that make up the products of your main competitors.
“There are lies,
damned lies,
and statistics.”
Mark Twain
+34 934 522 985